Játékfejlesztés [EU Horizon project]: 1. Social Enterprises

Dr. Szécsi László
Önálló laboratórium - Szoftverfejlesztés és rendszertervezés specializáció, BSc Info.
Önálló laboratórium - Irányítórendszerek ágazat, BSc Vill.
Önálló laboratórium 1 - Irányítórendszerek főspecializáció, MSc Vill.
Önálló laboratórium 2 - Irányítórendszerek főspecializáció, MSc Vill.
Önálló laboratórium 1 - Vizuális informatika főspecializáció, MSc Info.
Önálló laboratórium 2 - Vizuális informatika főspecializáció, MSc Info.
Önálló laboratórium 1 - Intelligens beágyazott mecha. rendsz. szakir., MSc Mecha.
Önálló laboratórium 1 - Egészségügyi mérnök, MSc Eü.
Önálló laboratórium 2 - Egészségügyi mérnök, MSc Eü.
Önálló laboratórium 2 - Vizuális informatika MSc. főspec.
Hallgatói létszám:
Szakdolgozat / Diplomaterv
A téma keretében be lehet csatlakozni a EU Horizon e-DIPLOMA nevű projektjébe. Egy Social Enterpreneurship témájú kurzushoz kell minijátékot gyártani. A projektben végzett munkáért az oda felvett hallgatók EU-s szintű fizetést is kaphatnak.

UE vagy Unity

Module 1. Social Enterprises

Discover endaveours in a virtual city in VR, talking to AI-powered characters. Identify social enterprises among them. [Single player, VR, AI audio chat, exploration]

Which are the elements of this lecture, it has a path or is free?
The way I see it free would be better. We would like an element of exploration. The
point is that the students are allowed meaningful choices in what businesses to
investigate. We may want different students to investigate different businesses, so if
someone else chose a business, it may be off the table.
- Can you interact with every one of the characters? Does it have an order?
Yes, you can interact with any of the characters --- but that obviously cannot mean
that you should interact with any citizen in the city. There is no order. However,
characters have knowledge of other characters. They can direct you to another
character. This can be imagined as a graph.
- How is the election of the character done by the student?
This is the most important aspect. I imagine a map (or, in VR, a diorama) with some
hovering markers naming some businesses. The names, or other information that is
provided, must be brief enough to invoke curiosity and not to give too much away, but
detailed enough to let the student make an informed decision. E.g. “The people’s bank
– there is no such thing as a loan too small”, “Shiny gadgets --- the best design in tech”,
“Cosa Nostra --- if everyone is guilty, no one is guilty”, “Goody two shoes --- buy one,
donate one” etc. It is possible that not all businesses are instantly accessible from this
map, but links provided by characters reveal more possibilities.
The idea is to have about 6x6 businesses. 6 of them are genuine for-profit social
enterprises, 6 are state-sponsored social services, 6 are criminal enterprises, 6 are for-
profit but non-social, 6 are political entities, and 6 are… I don’t know, miscellaneous
others that fit a narrative. The goal of the students is to identify social enterprises, or
social elements in other enterprises, so maybe the best is if most of the social
enterprises are initially, hidden, and only accessible through some exploration.