Control strategies for multiagent system coordination

Dr. Harmati István
Önálló laboratórium - Irányítórendszerek ágazat, BSc Vill.
Önálló laboratórium 1 - Irányítórendszerek főspecializáció, MSc Vill.
Önálló laboratórium 2 - Irányítórendszerek főspecializáció, MSc Vill.
Önálló laboratórium 1 - Intelligens beágyazott mecha. rendsz. szakir., MSc Mecha.
Hallgatói létszám:
Szakdolgozat / Diplomaterv

Multiagent systems draw  intensive attention since the recent development of artificial intelligence (AI) methods and robotics. In many cases a robot team or other relatively simple agents (like intersections in a traffic network) can considered multiagent systems. The effective coordination of such systems requires sophisticated strategies for coordinate the team mates and accomplish complex task impossible using only a single agent. During the semester, student works on a coordination strategies often relied on some AI approaches on the following areas:
- Air traffic control (Collision avoidance)
- Urban trafic control (optimization, management)
- Robotic games (robot soccer, robot handball, robot icehockey)
- military strategies (Strategic games)
- Randezvous problems 
- Survaillance problems

The algorithms are planned to implemented in Matlab (maybe Python) environment.